Academic Policies
- Academic Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Annual Report
- HRUC Academic Freedoms and Freedom of Speech (Code of Practice / Policy / Procedure)
- HRUC Complaints Policy
- HRUC Complaint Investigation Procedure
- HRUC Student Admissions Policy
- HRUC Student Attendance and Punctuality Policy
- HRUC Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
- Learning Support Policy
- Procedure for Appeals Against Assessment Decisions
- Publication Scheme
Equality and Diversity Policies
Fees and Financial Support Policies
Financial Statements
Richmond upon Thames College
Freedom of Information and Data Protection
- HRUC Freedom of Information Act Policy
- HRUC GDPR Data Protection Policy
- HRUC GDPR Rentention and Disposal of Data Policy and Schedule
- HRUC Privacy Notice - Staff
- HRUC Privacy Notice - Students (This has been updated. Students and former students should please review this updated Student Privacy Notice for further information on how HRUC processes their personal data.)
Governance Policies
Higher Education Policies
- Click here to read the HRUC Access and Participation Plan
- HRUC Higher Education Student Protection Plan 2024/25
Safeguarding and Health & Safety
- HRUC Health, Safety and Welfare Policy
- HRUC Preventing Terrorism and Radicalisation Policy
- HRUC Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Safeguarding information for visitors leaflet
- HRUC Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Subcontracting Policy